Hashbrown Casserole

I REALLY love Cracker Barrel. It's often been a sore spot in my household, because my New Yorker husband has some odd infatuation with IHOP that I just can't quite get down with. Anywhoo, this one breakfast item on Cracker Barrel's menu I just literally can't get enough of. no matter how many thousands of calories my pancake breakfast already is, this side item is happening. So I would love to take credit for barricading myself into my kitchen and not coming out until I made the perfect copy-cat version of this recipe to share with you, but my girlfriends' mom, lovingly called Mama Mary already did that for me. Here's her recipe for the Cracker Barrel hash brown casserole.  I'm putting this recipe in my side dishes category, but honestly just make yourself a big bowl of this bad boy and sit down somewhere and be happy. 


Sweet Fried Plantain